The Company
Digital Smart & Intelligent Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. (DSIT), a company Incorporated & Registered under the laws of Pakistan, & having its registered office at Awan Arcade, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan. DSIT is registered as a Digital Software, Services & Solution Company to provide digital software platforms & services in Pakistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir. DSIT is also registered with Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB).

The Team
18 years of working experiences with Global Fortune 500 corporates & nation’s leading Financial & Telecom Sector, has equipped the founding team of Digital Smart & Intelligent Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, with deep industry knowledge, understanding of core issues, potential of growth, thus Leading to produce a digital, smart & Intelligent system providing you with a strong, secure & digital future.
The Vision
To develop out-of-the-box Digital Product & Services to change the directions & future of your businesses, uplifting your brands, services & products to the level where larger scale of customers are able to gain value out. We respected your wish to let your consumers to reach your businesses in the most economical & simplest available ways.
The Values
Highly customer obsessed approach is the key differential value that we offer to our business & corporate clients. We believe in becoming your digital communication partner and share the value of our digital products & expertise with you. We support you to take the most economical, secure and complete stepping stones for your business future growth.